Book the experience within the experience - only for 16 people
Customer Experience – The WOW for more success & loyalty
„Boost your success with exceptional experiences!
In a world where customers demand more than just products, prioritizing customer experiences is your key to differentiation. Create unforgettable moments,
that create loyalty,
lead to repeat business
and set your external & internal impact apart from others.
In competition, it’s not just about what you offer, but also how you convey it emotionally to your customers. How often are you in contact with your customers?
Invest in creating experiences and open up a path to lasting success!“

Globally unique training content
Foundation of an experience
- UX vs. CX
- What is an experience?
- The „Tension effect“
- What experience do I want to convey
- Efficiency vs. experience
- Experience needs according to Hassenzahl
- Company Strategy (Core Values & Story)
- Design Value Proposition
- Experience Mapping
- Journey Mapping
- Experience Measurement
Experience Creation
- Psychological basics
- Hook Model
- Magic Map – (dimension of enthusiasm & dimensions of persuasion)
- Magineering. Methods for creating experiences
Details to our content
Breaks are organized individually and flexibly on all days.
Day 1
09:00 Opening & getting to know each other
10:00 UX vs. CX, what is an experience + discussion
11:00 The value of "The Tension Effect" for experience design - LimbicMap(c), Paul Zac (C) & tension arc storytelling
12:00 Designing according to the Experience Needs defined by Hassenzahl and based on Sheldon / Discussion of basic human needs.
14:00 Strategy development / The heart of a corporate strategy is its values and its story. What history and values do we want to leave behind for our fellow human beings and partners?
15:00 Exercises: Design Value Proposition & Journey Mapping - Where are the first starting points for experience design.
17:00 Experience Measurement: How do I measure experiences? What do I want to measure anyway? Definition of KPIs and creation of a KPI plan.
20:00 Evening experience
Day 2
09:00 Wrap up of day 1 & questions and discussion
Afterwards Psychological basics for experience design
10:00 Hook model & motivation models
Use of the Hook Model based on the Experience Needs. Practice using own examples.
13:00 Presentation of the Magic Map and practice using own scenarios and use cases. Magic Map is an essential follow-up tool for the Kano Model and is based on the dimensions of enthusiasm and the dimensions of conviction according to Caldini.
15:00 Presentation of the Magineering Pyramid as a tool for touchpoint experience design. Practice of some suitable methods and tools using own examples.
Conclusion between 17:00 - 18:00
Depending on availability, a free evening or enjoying a glass of "grape or hop juice" together.
Day 3
On day 3, depending on the number of participants, I will be available for 30 - 60 minutes of discussion. Participants can use the time for relaxation, prototyping or initial thoughts.
We are happy to work directly on your projects or company. The content is taught in a very practical way and using examples.
Value of this course
Whether purchasing, CFO, partner or customer. We are all people and love experiences, appreciation and personal relationships:
If people play an important role in your job, then this workshop is the right place for you. Whether for your private or professional life, you will experience many inputs and surprises.
Having that little something extra is the decisive difference you or your company will have!

Target group
All those responsible for the conceptual and strategic development of organizations, products, services and systems, in particular :
- Product Manager
- Marketing Manager
- CX-Manager
- CIO’s
- Business Developers
- CEO’s
- Strategy Manager

Procedure & costs
2 days on site, the third day is optional for 1:1 discussions
The event takes place from 8 people.
We offer the exclusive CX training with unique content as a 2-day block event. The live training takes place on site. The event will be a two-day experience for all participants.
Costs: 1.600,- excl. VAT
„In case of dissatisfaction or no information novelty there is a 100% money back guarantee“
- Networking & catering
- Slides & documents
- Tools and method set
- 2 x 60min review meetings until 6 months
- after the course
- Evening event
- Voucher for StrategicX25

Unser Partnernetzwerk
Aus dem Bildungsbereich
Das User Experience Quality Certification Center ist unser Entwicklungspartner in allen Bereichen der UX Ausbildung. Global anerkannte Zertifizierungen und das Wissen von Experten aus aller Welt, machen die Fortbildungen der youspi einzigartig gegenüber dem Mitbewerb.
Als Partner mit einem perfekt eingerichtetem UX Labor ist das FH TECHNIKUM Wien ein idealer Partner im Austausch mit youspi. In der Lehre eingegliedert bieten wir unser Wissen den zukünftigen UX Managern.
Die FH JOANNEUM ist ein wichtiger Partner im Bereich Forschung, Ausbildung und Events. Mit deren technischen Know-How stehen Sie seit Jahren als Partner am World Usability Congress zur Verfügung. Gemeinsam wurden schon Studiengänge entwickelt und neue Ideen und Konzept umgesetzt. Viele weitere Projekte stehen in den Startlöchern um die UX Community & Ausbildungen zu stärken.
Community Partner
UXPA Austria
Youspi ist Mitglied und Partner der UXPA Austria. Eine wichtige Lobbying- Organisation um die Interessen und Ideen im Bereich Usability und User Experience umzusetzen. Wir versuchen auch unser Know-How und unsere Power der UX Community zurück zu geben.
UX Graz
UX Graz ist einer der wichtigsten Initiativen die youspi jedes Jahr gerne unterstützt. Eine aktive Community ist das Herz einer jeden Region.
Neben der UXPA ist auch die CXPA ein wichtiger Partner und Communication Partner. Youspi als führende CX Agentur in Österreich forciert auch den CX Day und die CXPA in Österreich.
Creative Industries Styria
Als Mitglied der Creative Industries Styria werden unterschiedliche Projekte gemeinsam umgesetzt. Der Design Management Lehrgang ist nur ein Aushängeschild von vielen Initiativen von youspi mit der lokalen Kreativindustrie.